Kindermusik By Bright Beginnings Studios

Kindermusik By Bright Beginnings Studios
All Involved. All The Time.

Monday, April 12, 2010

It Takes All Kinds to Make the World Go ‘Round by Becky Schaefer

Each child is so unique and so special in his/her own way. I see this both in my classes I teach and at home with my own children. It is obvious why children in a classroom setting differ – they all come from their own set of experiences, situations, parenting styles, and values. In a home setting, we can provide each of our children with the same teachings, examples, experiences, and values. It stands to reason that children within the same family should be similar, right? Not necessarily.

My first “baby” will turn seven this month. The first several months of motherhood presented a huge learning curve. Around the time Grant celebrated his first birthday, I was pretty well settled in to being a mom and feeling pretty confident in my new role. Basically, I was sure I had it all figured out. Wrong.

My second baby, Claire, arrived shortly after Grant turned two. I am a creature of habit so I tried all the same routines, methods, and tricks that were fresh in my mind and had worked so well the first time around. Plus, I was a pro at this whole baby thing by now – I had done it once, how hard could it be to do it again? It became clear to me, in a hurry, that I didn’t have a clue – Claire was a completely different child. After a lot of unnecessary stress and pressure on myself, I had to let go of my expectations. I needed to take a few steps back and really get to know this beautiful baby girl. I had to accept and respect this new little personality.

Really, I could have almost predicted these two babies would be different. Not just because of the boy-girl factor; but also based on each pregnancy. It is amazing how early their little personalities shine through.

From the moment I first felt Grant move, I am certain he was running. Seven years later, he is still running. He may be our “wild man,” but he is also a very polite and compassionate little boy. He is a bundle of energy and excitement, always ready to pursue the next adventure – hoping that it’s bigger and better than the one before. Grant craves movement – he’s always in on the action. He runs full speed ahead (details are nonexistent in his world), will try almost anything, and is fearless. This has resulted in some trouble (and stitches) in the past, but it can also be a positive approach to life. Grant is definitely my spirited child – one who is destined to get the most out of his life.

In pregnancy, Claire was calm but strong. Four years later, not much has changed. She is a child who will sit back and observe a situation. Claire approaches a new situation with a great deal of caution, but is usually willing to give it a try. She does not need to move and do big things – she’s perfectly content to be at home. Details are a big part of all Claire does, and she enjoys the simple things in life. She loves to help around the house, because it is time spent together. She really craves that one on one attention and affection. Claire shows her strong side (attitude with some drama) only when she needs to.

So, after two very different personalities, I thought I had seen it all. Wrong again. My third little miracle, Max, is teaching me all over again. Back to pregnancy, Max seemed perfectly content and comfortable right where he was. At ten months old, Max is a very laid-back and content baby. He is in no hurry to crawl, to sit, or to grow for that matter. Max is not looking to break any records, but I can’t complain. He is my happiest baby, my snuggler, and a total sweetheart. He does have a temper, but we don’t see it too often. Max usually verges on being ridiculously happy and is pretty much in love with life.

Three very different babies/children and three very different personalities. There is never a dull moment at our house. As exhausting as it can be, I wouldn’t change any one of them. They all balance each other out, and the combination of personalities keeps me guessing. I learn from each of them every day.

From Grant, I learn to be excited about life and its possibilities. I am also reminded to always treat others with compassion. From Claire, I learn to discover more about a situation before making a judgment. She also reminds me that time and affection are among the greatest gifts. From Max, I am learning to “put on my happy face,” even when I don’t feel like it. He also teaches me to slow down, to be content, and to love the moment I’m in.

Raising my own children has helped me be a better Kindermusik teacher. In turn, teaching Kindermusik has helped me be a better mom. Both have been a life lessons for me. I am reminded that each child (and each adult) really is unique and special. It is so important to accept that and to respect it. Instead of viewing it as a challenge, we should embrace and celebrate these differences. It truly does “take all kinds to make the world go ‘round.” My little blessings are doing their part to help the world go ‘round and to make the ride a little more interesting.

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